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About Cai's Corner Art

My name is Alison Kendrick. I have been married for 16 years to my wonderfully supportive husband, Gareth. We are the proud parents of 4 beautiful children, Morgan, Cai, Ethan and Charlie. 


Cai's Corner Art is named after my son, Cai, who is an identical twin to Ethan. After Cai and Ethan were born early they spent time in the NICU. The nurses personalized Cai's space, calling it Cai's Corner. Cai never left the NICU. I haven't forgotten that small gesture of caring they showed to a baby that would never make it home.


Cai lived for 39 days, but he lives on in our hearts and has inspired me to start drawing again. I found digital painting or drawing to be very therapeutic in my grief journey. I love sharing my artwork with anyone who is interested.  I hope you enjoy my work.

"Art by Alison Kendrick" is a place where I can share my non-memorial work. Prints of this work can be purchased. Please send me a message if you are interested in a print.


If you are inspired by my work, or if you just want to say hi, please contact me, I would love to hear from you!

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